SUMMER24 Finalist Announcement and Online Voting Open

Apr, 03 ,2024

Since VAXEE PA was recognized by many esports enthusiasts and professional players, we also wanted to offer users choices for desktop matching beyond performance in esports. Therefore, we have launched a variety of seasonal PA series with different designs. Beginning with the WINTER22 edition, we started to solicit contributions from designers around the world, allowing more creators to showcase their talent to a wider audience and offering our users more choices. VAXEE appreciates the enthusiastic creation of various outstanding works by all contestants. The effort of each creator adds unparalleled value to each seasonal product call for entries.

As previously stated, the main purpose of this online submission is to provide VAXEE PA users with more desktop matching options, while also giving creators a stage to showcase their work. This is the core idea behind our biannual call for entries; VAXEE does not intend to turn this into a fiercely competitive event through such calls for entries.

Thanks to all of the creators, this SUMMER24 call for entries received more creative works than ever before. Each piece made us deeply feel the creators' passion for art and design. Due to the abundance of good works, it was as difficult for us to choose as it probably was for you, so for this SUMMER24 online voting, considering our own production capacity and inventory management, we decided to increase the number of votes from the usual 2 to 5, and also to increase the number of finalists from the original 3 to 5.

This adjustment is in line with the core spirit of this event:
1) To provide users with more choices.
2) To give more creators a platform to display and receive a gain for their hard work.
The top 5 ranked works will collaborate with VAXEE to release PA mousepads on the platform for sale. For every piece sold, $1 in commission will be provided to the creators. (Note: 20% income tax withholding applies, resulting in a net profit of US$0.8 per unit sold.)
Considering the abundance of outstanding works and the limited number of votes for each person, we've also made some adjustments to the voting process, making it into two stages.

For the 1st stage, each person has 5 votes (no repeats), voting from April 3 03:00 to Apirl 11 19:00 (PDT), to select the top 10 globally. The first to third places will directly become the first three designs of the VAXEE PA SUMMER24 seasonal products.

In the 2nd stage, each person only gets 2 votes (no repeats), voting from April 12 03:00 to April 15 19:00 (PDT). From the first stage rankings 4-10, The Top 2 will be selected through voting to become the last two designs of the VAXEE PA SUMMER24 seasonal products, totaling five designs.

We hope that by increasing the number of selected designs and introducing a new voting method, everyone can purchase the works that are truly loved. Although we still can't satisfy everyone at the moment, we will continue improvements
Below are the works that have entered the first stage of online voting, along with the link for the first stage of online voting. Due to the large number of works, each person has 5 votes for your favorite works (no repeats). 
As usual, due to different usage habits and internet environments, there will be two voting points. After the first stage ends, we will tally the results from both voting points and share them on social media, while also announcing the schedule for the second stage of voting.

In order not to let down the efforts of all creators, the VAXEE team will constantly monitor the online voting situation. If "abnormal filling vote" occurs during the voting period, we will deduct the "abnormal votes" to restore the normal vote count. At the same time, we also hope everyone should not use filling vote software or obtain votes through money.

The purpose of the call for submissions is to encourage creators. If too many disputes arise, contradicting our principle of encouraging creators, we reserve the right to cancel this event.

Work #1
When it comes to summer, I think of the rainy season. I really enjoy listening to the sound of rain! The design of the yellow umbrella is my favorite umbrella from my childhood!

Work #2
Bring a cool modern style to your desktop.

Work #3

When people buy painting materials, most of them often encounter situations where they can't use them up. Sometimes, these materials may contain harmful substances to the environment. So, how can one use all colors evenly and still create unique decorative pieces? This is the issue I'm considering. Based on this idea, I created this piece.

Work #4
I designed my favorite drink - cream soda. I hope it brings you fresh colors and a relaxing gaming experience.

Work #5
While mouse pads with common illustration styles are common, it's rare to see designs with a mechanical or tech-inspired aesthetic. So, from the start, I intended to create a design with a mechanical feel. The challenge lay in how to make it, and I decided to leverage my expertise in 3DCG. Thus, the content of the PSD file itself is very simple, mostly created using Blender.

Work #6
Just like a whirlwind of flames, it expresses the desire to thrive and get swept up in everything around it.

Work #7
The image of the deep-sea monster Kraken.

Work #8
Graffiti, Neon Colors, Simple but catchy


Work #9
The purpose of a mouse pad is to provide a surface for the mouse to glide smoothly. The protagonist is the mouse, and this mouse pad can make anything placed on it, whether it's a mouse or something else you want to put there, the center of attention. (At least, the center of attention on the mouse pad.)

Work #10
With the mindset of giving it a try, I submitted my work! I used elements of orbiting planets and rainbow-colored windows, aiming to create colors that instantly uplift the mood! (So, I experimented with modeling a logo with vibrant, multicolored accents.)


Work #11
"Spring Vibe Gaming" — In the lively atmosphere of spring, where flowers bloom and birds sing, we incorporate the unique charm of gaming girls, bringing a fresh youthful vibe to the world of gaming enthusiasts. It's not only a symbol of nature's revival but also a showcase of youthful vitality, cleverly blending traditional spring scenes with modern gaming culture to create a design concept that is both energetic and creative. 
The work from fdq, one of the top 10 web designers in 2017, buddy, if like my work, please give me a like!

Work #12
The mouse pad is a crucial item when it comes to computer gaming, so I hope it can guide us to achieve the best performance. For this reason, I designed the guiding deity Yatagarasu in the front, while on the back, I depicted my personal emotional expression in gaming.

Work #13
Just like in a game that's akin to a blank canvas, various styles of gameplay bloom freely in a burst of color.

Work #14
Based on Japan as the theme, it portrays a worldview never seen before.

Work #15
Mentioning an old-school style sounds great. We'll blend this slightly vintage atmosphere with Japanese architecture.

Work #16
Yokai × Neon × Hyakki yagyo

Work #17
When my cat teams up with my boyfriend to play games...

Work #18
I've always loved the elements of a grocery store, so I incorporated our cat into this scene, hoping everyone will like it.

Work #19
Since the topic of this year's contest is Summer24, I was inspired by the refreshing, cooling feel of eating a watermelon in the hot humid summer. I wanted to capture the freshening and watery texture of watermelon cubes.

Work #20
Since the theme this time is summer, I thought of a vacation pool! Free yourself from busy days and enjoy the summer vacation. Let's relax together~

Work #21
I filled in all the content I wanted to depict!

Work #22
I tried to portray the ultimate design that is both "cool" and "cute" using foxes as the theme! A fox that can skillfully manipulate water and fire, doesn't it touch your inner "chuunibyou" heart?

Work #23
This time, I took the concept of "things I want" and combined elements that I adore, such as "chocolate" × "rabbits" × "pink hair" × "round glasses". I believe I've created something incredibly cute!

Work #24
I want to depict a scenario where it's impossible to distinguish between the sea and the sky. Fish seem to swim in the air, with clear, pristine azure surrounding everything. Besides the mysterious girl, I also hope to have a dragon accompanying her. Together, these elements form my vision of Atlantis in my mind.

Work #25
The madness of heroes using firearms.

Work #26
Colorful summer, blooming flowers.

Work #27
I personally adore the Romantic poet Li Bai. The inspiration for this piece comes from his poem "A Short Song" where he wrote, "The vast blue sky stretches endlessly, with eternity extending for myriad eons." The boundless sky mirrors our existence. We are like fish beneath the pristine ice, or like a solitary boat on a tranquil lake. Ahead lies the endless journey of life, inevitably leading us into the depths of aging. We plummet straight ahead, with no other choice, much like the boat and fish in the painting, heading towards the realm of chaos.

Work #28
I designed based on the theme of emergency exits in everyday life.

Work #29
Fresh and cute color combinations. I used marble texture that you can look at every day without getting tired for the creation. I think it's a design that suits white equipment very well.

Work #30
Tai Chi gives rise to two elements, and these two elements give rise to four symbols. I chose black and white colors to symbolize the dualities of Yin and Yang. The two points in the Tai Chi symbol resonate with VAXEE's two points, both embodying a sense of integration and harmony. Just like this submission event, it gathers the essence of various schools and embraces the thoughts of countless gamers.

Work #31
Takehiko Inoue represents youth, and I love his sharp art style. Continuing with it and enlarging the butterfly is my central idea.

Work #32
Using geometric shapes in a cold composition to form a landscape painting, transitioning from abstract to figurative.

Work #33
When I think about adding trendy and cute elements, I want it to be filled with adorable girls and animals. I also love plush toys myself, so I thought, why not use plush toys to fill the scene? I also thought that the most common time to interact with plush toys is when they're sleeping, so this time I chose a scene of them sleeping.

Work #34
I tried to depict the excitement of receiving new equipment using pixel art!

Work #35
I painted this when I was contemplating the accumulation of everything. I used yellow and the peace symbol to express the ultimate happiness.

Work #36
I want to express a dreamy sky feeling :)

Work #37
Creating a sense of destructive power in a post-apocalyptic comic style to complement the logo, igniting a sense of destruction and potential when placed under the mouse.

Work #38
The artwork itself attempts to use a different pink and cute style from VAXEE's previous products, and adds many Easter eggs throughout the entire piece to provide users with a more interesting product experience.

Work #39
A shooting game esports idol image, accompanied by a hand gesture mimicking a gun, with the VAXEE logo in the background combined with the onomatopoeia "BAAANG!" I hope to evoke a positive mood when using the mouse.

Work #40
Whenever we talk about summer, we always think of beautiful beaches, seaside trees, and a fresh atmosphere. So, I created this piece, hoping that when everyone sees this mouse pad, they can immediately imagine those scenes.

Work #41
I created a piece based on a simulated design with the moon as the main theme.

First stage voting link:

Extended reading

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